Emma Haziza

Board Member

Emma Haziza

Board Member

A doctorate from the École des Mines de Paris and a recognized expert in climate adaptation, Emma Haziza is a French researcher and entrepreneur actively involved in developing strategies to strengthen the ability of populations and territories to better anticipate, prevent and cope with natural disasters.

A French pioneer in the field of territorial resilience, Emma has developed extensive operational experience in monitoring extreme hydro-meteorological phenomena, working closely with the Hérault Prefecture and the Southern Zone Headquarters from 2005 to 2015.

Driven by a strategic vision of optimized territorial risk management, Emma Haziza founded an ecosystem dedicated to climate adaptation and resilience in 2010. Comprising an action-research center, an association dedicated to raising awareness in schools and, more recently, a data-driven start-up, Emma is constantly striving to provide tangible solutions to this century's climate challenges.

Renowned for her commitment to raising public and decision-maker awareness, Emma Haziza is now one of France's most influential voices in raising awareness of the issues surrounding water resources and natural risk management.

An international lecturer, for the past 20 years she has been training a wide range of players, from mayors to senior civil servants, in the major challenges facing water in France and around the world. Last September, she was chosen to train French ambassadors in ecological transition. She was also a guest speaker at the Paris Dauphine University and HEC business school.

A member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Ecological Planning of the French Ministry for Transformation and the Civil Service, the UNICEF Scientific Advisory Board and a director of Eau de Paris, she shares her expertise on French media offering an analysis of water-related issues.

Her program "Un degré de conscience" on France Info has helped to raise awareness of climate issues and existing adaptation solutions among millions of French people.

Emma Haziza
dernière mise à jour : 9 juillet 2024