

  • Foundation of the LPO

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    On the 26th of January 1912, the French League for the Protection of Birds, later called LPO, was created as a subsection of the National Acclimatisation Society of France, whose head office was located in Paris.

  • Creation of the LPO refuges

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    In 1921, the first LPO Refuge was created in the North of France. Today, nearly 40 000 refuges are home to wildlife and constitute the first network of ecological gardens in France in favour of biodiversity.

  • First structuring of the LPO

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    Creation of the Federation of French Groups for the Protection of Birds, with Jean Delacour as President.

  • Creation of the first local LPO association

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    The LPO Haut-Rhin becomes the first local LPO association. This marks the beginning of the local LPO network.

  • New structuring of the LPO

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    The LPO is now associated with the French Federation of Ornithology (canary farmers and cage bird breeders) through its president, Marcel Cioutat, who becomes vice-president of the LPO...

  • Launch of the journal « L'Homme et l'Oiseau »

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    Colonel Philippe Milon launches the quarterly journal "L'Homme et l'Oiseau", with one of his photos on the cover for the first issue: a puffin's courtship...

  • The LPO, an independent association

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    Declaration date of the LPO in the Official Journal. The LPO ceases to be a subsection of the SNPN.
    Théodore Monod joins the Board of Directors.

  • The Torrey Canyon disaster

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    When the Torrey Canyon oil spill reached the Sept-Îles archipelago on 10 April, the LPO mobilized people, especially on a stand at the Paris Fair. The association grew to 3,000 members.

  • 1 January: the LPO at the museum

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    Antoine Reille, who remained in charge of the overall administration while Jean Delacour was in the United States, relocated the offices to the SNPN headquarters at the Museum (57 rue Cuvier) and merged the journal "L'Homme et l'Oiseau" with the "Courrier de la Nature".

  • Reorganization of the board

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    Following the resignation of Jean Delacour, nominated Honorary President, the board has been restructured...

  • The LPO's setting-up in Rochefort

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    In the 1970s, under the initiative of Michel Brosselin, the association fought for the creation of a national network of marine hunting reserves and nature reserves.

  • The Amoco Cadiz runs aground on the Breton coast

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    This is the biggest disaster ever known in France (230,000 tonnes of oil spilled on the Breton coast in the Channel). It hit the Sept-Îles reserve with full force and had a lasting effect on the alcids, particularly the Atlantic puffin.

  • Creation of the first rescue centre for wildlife in distress

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    It was in Alsace that the LPO created its first rescue centre to help wildlife in distress. Since then, six other centres and two mobile care units have been created.

  • Opening of the Île-Grande LPO Station

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    A showcase for the Sept-Îles nature reserve, the LPO Station of Île-Grande opened in 1984.
    Since then, it has welcomed 50,000 visitors each year.

  • Creation of L'OISEAU MAGAZINE

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    The LPO launches its nature review "L'OISEAU MAGAZINE", which has now more than 19 000 subscribers.

  • Allain Bougrain Dubourg becomes president of the LPO

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    Solicited by Antoine Reille, Allain Bougrain Dubourg agreed to become president of the LPO, on condition that he would only take on a three-year mandate. In fact, the strength of his commitment led to his being reappointed to this position until today.

  • First lease agreement for the preservation of 5 communal areas in the Poitevin marshes (LPO - WWF)

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    The following year, nine other towns in Vendée signed agreements with the Marais Poitevin Park, the LPO and WWF, protecting some 2,000 hectares of wet meadows from drainage.

  • Creation of the first LPO delegation

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    In 1990, the ornithologists of Lorraine initiated the first LPO Lorraine delegation. The Auvergne and Anjou delegations followed in 1991, Champagne-Ardenne and Vienne in 1992.

  • Creation of Ornithos

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    The LPO publishes "Ornithos", the journal of field ornithologists. Initially published quarterly, the magazine became bimonthly in 2001. It has now reached more than 2,000 subscribers.

  • The LPO: official representative of Birdlife International in France

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    This extensive network of NGOs brings together 2.5 million members and over 120 national associations around the world.

  • Union of the FIR and the LPO

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    The two leading bird protection associations in France, the FIR (Raptor Intervention Fund), with 3,000 members, and the LPO merge. The LPO becomes the first French association for the protection of wildlife.

  • The Erika breaks up in the Bay of Biscay

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    On 12 December 1999, the Maltese oil tanker Erika, loaded with 31,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil No. 2, broke in two in a storm off Penmarch (Finistère) before sinking and spilling 20,000 tonnes of fuel oil over 400 kilometres of coastline, killing tens of thousands of birds and devastating marine life. More than 74,000 birds were collected and transferred to rescue centres.

  • The right of non-hunting finally recognized

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    French parliamentarians reluctantly adopted a law that allows any landowner to withdraw their land from ACCA hunting areas, although they were compelled to do so by a decision of the European Court of Human Rights.

  • A crisis unit to respond to avian flu

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    The LPO sets up a crisis unit to inform its members and the general public about the risk of avian influenza in migratory birds and domestic poultry, and the potential consequences for human health.

  • Grenelle Environment Forum

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    Membre fondatrice, avec neuf ONG du Grenelle de l'Environnement, la LPO fait partie de trois des six groupes (biodiversité, production et consommation durables, gouvernance) et d'un des deux ateliers intergroupes (OGM) du Grenelle.
    A founding member of the Grenelle Environment Forum with nine NGOs, the LPO is part of three of the six groups (biodiversity, sustainable production and consumption, governance) and one of the two intergroup workshops (GMOs) of the Forum.

  • The LPO sets up at the Fonderies Royales

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    The LPO is fully committed to sustainable development and fight against climate change through the rehabilitation of the Fonderies Royales, its new headquarters.

  • L'OISEAU MAG Junior

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    It's time for "L'OISEAU MAGAZINE" to launch its version for the 7 to 12 year olds: "L'OISEAU MAG Junior" has just been created!

  • National Biodiversity Strategy (NBS)

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    The LPO is actively involved, along with the FNE and the Ligue ROC, in developing the NBS 2011-2020 and agrees with the text presented by the Minister of Ecology. This text reaffirms the effects of the disappearance of plant and animal species, which threatens the survival of mankind.

  • A century for birds

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    To celebrate its centenary, the LPO has produced the film "A century for birds" about its history.

  • Launch of the « Garden Bird » Count

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    Chickadee, European Greenfinch, Goldfinch...? Which species can be found in your garden ?

  • Ban on Ortolan hunting

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  • Creation of Faune France

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    An online portal created and managed by the LPO in collaboration with a large network of nature protection associations.

  • Launch of the "Des Terres et des Ailes" program

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    Reconciling agriculture and biodiversity

  • An end to glue trapping

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    The State Council has ruled in favor of the LPO, cancelling the last ministerial decrees authorizing glue trapping of wild birds in France.

  • Colocataires sauvages (Wild roommates)

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    Launch of the LPO web-series, to learn how to live better with the natural world around us.

  • LPO Zevent beneficiary

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    For 3 days, about 60 internet streaming stars raised funds for the protection of nature by completing several challenges online.